Ford has made some great engines in the past. People talk about "japanese" engines and their potential yet fail to remember that engines like the Toyota 4A-GE are based (uhh basically a roadgoing copy) on the Cosworth BDA.
Dewd ! I know it's hard to understand for some people but there are also people who have a fulltime job and are happy if they can race in a league during teh weekend !1 I for one can't join leagues that race on monday to friday which pretty much eliminates my chances for joining nice leagues. :chairs:
So, mp3 Astra : nice to see a league racing in teh weekend ! I'll have a look at the rules etc. as I might sign up.
OK I don't understand why you open a poll when obviously you know the Hummer is the allmighty offroad vehicle and everyone else that has a different opinion is wrong according to you..
Wow Gimpster I absolutely agree.. I talked about this with someone close to the community a little while ago.. I was trying to explain why I didn't play LFS as much as I did.. but I couldn't really find the right words. I think I'll just copy/paste your post because I agree with every single word.
While €175,- might be cheap you'll be lucky when it's just the towing costs you'll have to pay. If for whatever reason your car lost oil/fluids it'll cost you a lot more.
Cost of 1 marshall per hour : €60,- (2 marshalls per car)
Cost of 1 marshall-car per hour : €36,-
Armco per meter : €40,- (mind you in most places there are 3 armco's on top of eachother so 1 actual meter = 3x €40,-)
1 Armco pole = €45
Closure track (in case of oil/fluids or bad wrecks) €1350,- per hour
The ambulance and uhm.. doctors-car (????) are standard cars from the Nordschleife GmbH, that means they are always there when the track is open, they are usually parked behind the entrance, on your right from the webcam' point of view. Looking at the time of the shot it's 19:20, that's the time when they close the Nordschleife and the ambulance and doctors-car prepare to go home after a hard day work
I think the little car with the hood opened wanted to drive a lap and maybe bad luck striked and the car broked down even before they entered the ring. Although that would've been luck actually because once on the Nordschleife it's damn expensive when your car refuses to cooperate. €175,- for a tow.